27 Feb. 20
Spring Tune-Up Tips for Your HVAC System
When spring comes to Skagit, Snohomish, and the Pacific Northwest, it is time to clean the dirt, dust, grime, and debris left behind by the winter and to prepare your home for the warmer season. The tasks to ensuring a proper function heating and cooling system are many, but we highly recommend never neglecting your HVAC system, which can lead to expensive repairs or even replacement. It’s best to have an HVAC company, such as Nordic Temperature Control maintain your system, but at the very least our tips below can help.
Adjust Thermostat for Daylight Saving Time
Before doing anything else, make sure your thermostat settings are consistent with the change brought about by DST, which takes place at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 8th, 2020. Adjust them forward by an hour so your furnace and air conditioner will be in sync with the new time we must observe until November 1st.
Dust Floor Registers and Air Vents
Vacuum the nooks and crannies of these air passages. These areas are notorious for all kinds of buildup that can pollute the indoor air. To rid them of contaminants, including dust and pet dander, wash their surfaces with soapy water.
Normally, using a sponge would suffice to render them squeaky-clean. But if you encounter stubborn grime, you may need a tougher tool. A butter knife covered with a rag is useful in removing filth and accessing debris trapped in tight spaces. Old toothbrushes work well, also.
Change the Air Filter
Install a new filter to avoid performance problems with your air conditioner in preparation for the cooling season. As a general rule, you should change a one-inch filter once every one to three months, though pet owners may want to clean or replace theirs more often. Some thicker filters may not require replacement for one year.
Schedule Air Duct Cleaning
To be absolutely certain that your indoor air quality remains good throughout the spring, arrange an air duct cleaning session with a qualified Nordic technician. During our professional duct cleaning service, all contaminants and microorganisms are removed from your forced-air system.
Air Purification Solutions
If you haven’t yet, incorporate whole-home air purification into your heating and cooling units. We can install hospital-grade air purifiers that remove viruses, bacteria, and mold while minimizing the number of allergens circulating through your house via the ductwork. Reme Halo literally zaps the contaminants out of the air and helps keep your air conditioning coil clean as a bonus.
Your Trusted HVAC Contractors
Rest assured that Nordic Temperature Control’s maintenance and tune-ups are designed to help you prevent heating and cooling problems this Spring season. During annual maintenance and tune-up service, all of the components of your unit are inspected and serviced so they operate at peak efficiency. Any elements requiring repair or replacement will be brought to your attention.
As a client of Nordic Temperature Control, rest assure that our key partnerships with HVAC industry leaders allow us to continually design and deliver high performing, cutting-edge heating and cooling systems. Schedule your service today!