Its Time to Upgrade Your Commercial Thermostat | Nordic Temperature Control

14 Apr. 19

Its Time to Upgrade Your Commercial Thermostat

No matter the time of year, it pays to have a great thermostat in your commercial space. If you currently own an older, outdated model, it might do you well to consider an upgrade. Today’s modern thermostats are capable of so much more than traditional ones. In fact, advanced thermostats, also known as smart thermostats, have completely changed the ways in which business owners can interact with their heating and cooling systems.

With so many great choices on the market today, it is important to consult with a professional HVAC technician about your options and to find the thermostat that will best meet your needs. There are many benefits of upgrading your thermostat, and below we have listed quite a few of them based on our years of industry experience.



Its Time to Upgrade Your Commercial Thermostat | Nordic Temperature ControlA manual thermostat is any thermostat that you set manually using a dial or a sliding switch. Often, these traditional thermostats are quite inaccurate as it can be hard to tell where things line up. You’ll often find that the number reading on the thermostat does not reflect the temperature you feel.

Today, smart thermostats have digital displays, making them easy to read. No longer will you have to question whether the reading on the display is accurate. This is a great way to save money on energy, as you won’t find yourself making adjustments as often, taking much strain off your HVAC systems, plus saving you time and money!


Far too often, energy is wasted heating or cooling occupied spaces, and this is especially true in a commercial setting. When your employees head home for the day, it is good to give your commercial HVAC a break.

A smart programmable thermostat allows you to create a personalized heating and cooling schedule to save money on energy. No longer will you have to worry about wasting your money on an unused conditioned air.


Nowadays, many of the devices around homes and businesses are WiFi connected — the same goes for thermostats! WiFi connected thermostats allow you to access your HVAC systems remotely, via a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. This means that you’ll never have to worry about someone messing with your thermostat when you’re away on a business trip!

Plus, some WiFi connected thermostats are smarter than ever, able to learn your preferred settings and highlight more opportunities to save even more money.


Be sure to consult with a professional HVAC technician if you are interested in upgrading your commercial thermostat. A professional will be able to walk you through all your options and help you make the best decision for your commercial space.

Trust us, we know just how important it is to keep your employees and your customers satisfied, and one way to do that is to keep up on your heating and cooling services. Be sure to schedule annual maintenance and prompt repairs to keep everyone that enters your space comfortable and happy year-round!

If you are interested in upgrading your commercial thermostat, contact the experts at Nordic Temperature Control.